The tailcoat vest worn by our man to the right was created from an old Turkish rug, hooray for odd materials and unusual garments. Pulling inspiration for the ballet russes, I made several garment for Lucent's new visual direction. Leave it to the gypsy circus to take the pieces and wear them in there own way.
Friday, October 16, 2009
The tailcoat vest worn by our man to the right was created from an old Turkish rug, hooray for odd materials and unusual garments. Pulling inspiration for the ballet russes, I made several garment for Lucent's new visual direction. Leave it to the gypsy circus to take the pieces and wear them in there own way.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
fall rain
Lichen is such a fascinating life form, composed of a symbiotic relationship between Fungi and
Algae. Nether can survive without the other.
The fungi stores water, and the algae processes carbon dioxide to feed both.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Hidden Valley
That said, here is a peek into the summers revelry...
This Past weekend My best Galls and I set up camp at Joshua Tree National Park. With it's void of desert sky, egg-like boulders and sparse linear trees, Hidden Valley on the north west corner of the park, looks like a Surrealist painting come to life. We picked a spot high up in an outcropping of rocks (hidden valley) and built ourselves a comfy eagles nest of pillows and an old futon mattress and camped under the full moon.
Friday, April 17, 2009
daisy, daisy
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
crystal clear
Admittedly, hippy-dippy crystal lore, espoused by tye-dye clad gurus makes me cringe. But all the crystal energy healing mumbo-jumbo misses the point.... Crystals don't need to be mythologised to be magical. Through the varied, inexplicable dynamics of the universe, far beyond man's sphere of influence, erupted something of clarity and order. That's mind blowing enough.
Crystals are a natural manifestation of near-perfect geometry. A prism is created when the molecular structure of a liquid solidifies into ordered patterns that repeat in three spatial dimensions, under a precise balance of heat, pressure, and elemental chemistry. (You can still see the red Arkansas dirt on these little glimpses of essential truth.)
When formed under imperfect conditions, (i.e. changing conditions) the most interesting variations occur in the rock's shape, and color. It's the same with us, with all life... there is an underlying order, a repetition, but conditions rarely stay consistent long enough for something "perfect" to form. Luckily it's the variations, the constant adaption to change, which gives people and crystals unique character.
As the analogy stands... I would still rather be a clear, luminous, yet slightly quirky crystal, than a dull jumbled hunk of rock. We need some consistency if we expect to be clear, but accept what evolves in the changing conditions of the moment, it makes us who we are.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Wild Sage
Ants on a Log
Its so easy to make...
Cut celery evenly
cover in peanut butter
sprinkle with raisins,
and my own addition(which makes it extra yummy and desertish)
melt some creamed honey and drizzle on top!
The pour little logs were munched up in a mater of minuets,over giggle and memories.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Clean Start
Case in point ...this beautiful hand twisted clothesline, unearthed from the depths of a bin in a hispanic dollar store in echo park. Ninety nine cents of crafty, thrifty, homey, cutesy, sunshiny, usefulness and so much more pleasing, and less expensive than a standard nylon cord. The soiling of my favorite sweater was the final straw that brought this clothesline dream out of the box and into reality, there is nothing like necessity to inspire action.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
thanks dad for your help, it feels good to pay you back. and here it is my new home!
Little House
My Mother lovingly recorded it all for me, through the filter of her own vision and simple folk artistry, recording the substance of childhood memory with more accuracy than any photograph. This hand drawn fabric book, made to teach me the names of household furnishings, is now a touchstone with my past, and my folks so radiant and full of life. So excited to create there own beautiful utopia, chalk full of home-made style, and bohemian flair.
Any home worth it salt must have:
hardwood flors
claw foot tubs
big trees
big barns
big fields
a chicken coop
gingerbread on the porch beams
an old weathered boat and a dogwood tree in the front yard,
a tepee sweat lodge and rainbow school buss,
a hand painted swing set
Saturday, February 14, 2009
sead of change
We planted ground cover to protect and fertilize the soil. We also planted over 3000 seeds to be sold at the upcoming earth-day celebration, and plans are laid to use our sewing skills to whip up some organic cotton aprons to keep those farmers clean. Come check out the Earth-day festivities on april 25th.